Guideline Rules

  • Every student should carry the Almanac to the School daily.
  • Students who come to the School through Private transport should arrive at the School five minutes before the bell rings
  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed.
  • The School uniform must be worn on all working days.
  • Girls should not apply nail polish or mehndi during School session. Nails to be trimmed at least once a week.
  • Girls can wear very small studs or ear rings in gold or silver.
  • It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to the School.
  • Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones/iPods/cameras etc. into the School campus. These gadgets, if found in possession of the students within the School campus, will be confiscated.
  • The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the student.
  • Changing classrooms between periods, where necessary, should be done silently and in an orderly manner.
  • Care must be taken of all School property and no student should scratch or the desks or charts or damage any furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or damage things belonging to others.
  • Damage done should be reported at once to the class teacher or Admin department. Any damage caused will have to be made good by the student(s) concerned.
  • The School reserves the right to suspend/ expel students whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the School.
  • Students are not permitted to buy eatables from vendors outside the School premises.
  • The School students should be proud of their school and uphold the values and ethics. Their code of conduct is the reflection of their education in school.
  • Senior students should be responsible to take care of the junior students within the premises and in the school bus. Bullying in any form is not acceptable.
  • It is mandatory to wear Identity cards everyday to school.

Attendance Policy

One cannot exaggerate the esteem of diligent and normal participation in school. Scholastically, understudies who are on edge almost their nearness in lesson perform way better. The child’s scholarly advance is hampered by non-appearance. Lessons are proceeded in agreement with the teacher’s arranging, and deficient understanding of subjects secured in lesson is the result.
Small ones are completely subordinate on their guardians. On the off chance that it is found that they as often as possible miss school, as it were the guardians will be held dependable. More seasoned kids might skip school without their parents’ information. In these circumstances, the school will illuminate the parent of any inconsistencies. We appreciate quick medicinal activity being taken to anticipate skipping course from getting to be a propensity.More seasoned students are anticipated to be more responsible for their scholastic execution.
Since we put your child’s security to begin with, it is basic that the course educators be educated of any unlucky deficiencies. There are times when youths can take off their homes unnoticed, travel some place else, and spend lesson time with outsiders. Since they can be misdirected and uncovered to damaging addictions, typically cause for concern. It’ll illustrate carefulness in this respect to conversation to the child almost school, academic requirements, extracurricular exercises, and scholastic execution. By routinely visiting parent-teacher conferences and reaching instructors by means of the school’s site, you’ll be able get input on your child.

Types Of Absenteeism

An application for nonattendance must be brought by the understudy the day they return to course within the occasion of sickness, passing, or other unforeseeable circumstances. To demonstrate a restorative take off, you must give a doctor’s certificate of therapeutic take off.
Numerous spurred understudies select to go to extraordinary lessons all through the school day. Guardians are encouraged to form beyond any doubt that these classes don’t strife with school. Understudies who are caught skipping course, whether it’s for fun or to go to another course, chance being suspended or ousted from school.
The nonappearance of kids from lesson on routinely planned working days is taken greatly genuinely by the school. We esteem parental help in making beyond any doubt all understudies arrive to school regularly and on time. Latecomers won’t be allowed to enter the building. The understudy will be checked truant from course and guardians will be reached.
Within the occasion that a understudy has an basic family occasion, they must ask consent in composing some time recently lost course. It is best to keep family social occasions to the ends of the week or amid school breaks. The student’s occasion list is given at the begin of lesson.
Numerous understudies are found to be reliably truant earlier to or amid exams, amid school trips, School Sports Day, picnics, etc. In these circumstances, the school precludes nonattendances. The commitments of their courses can be met by understudies who yield their work on time. All understudies are anticipated to take an interest in exercises since they constitute a standard component of the scholarly program at their schools.

Important Information

All important information from the school shall be communicated through the school website/e-mail/SMS.

You may contact the school through e-mails to

For all queries/request related to transport of your ward to and from School, e-mails may be sent to

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